

There are over 12,000 ant species in the world. That is a lot of ants! Fortunately, only a fraction of these ant species makes themselves a problem for humans. And here in South Carolina, we only have a handful that can be considered common pests. Here is a list of the usual suspects you'll find in your yard or in your home.

Fire Ants

Fire Ants are often red but may appear black, and some fire ant species have a darker red coloring on their abdomen. Fire Ants are under a quarter of an inch with the queens being slightly larger. These are ground-dwelling ants that will build volcano-like mounds throughout your entire lawn, but especially in sunny areas. Their bites are quite irritating. What you may not know is that some people can have an allergic reaction to these bites that can cause them to go into anaphylactic shock. They are also a significant threat to those who can't get away from them, such as babies, the elderly, and the infirm.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants are mostly entirely black in color but can be reddish, yellowish or even a combination of all three colors. They are the largest ant a homeowner may see being anywhere from ½ of an inch to 5/8 of an inch with the Queens being up to an inch. They are generally found in the soil or making mounds. They can make their homes in wood, especially decaying wood preferring moist or damp areas. This makes Carpenter Ants a threat to your home and the surrounding structures.

Pavement Ants

Pavement Ants are black or reddish black, they are often confused for carpenter ants, though they shouldn't be. They are considerably smaller than carpenter ants measuring at only ? to 1/16 of an inch. Pavement Ants enjoy living in the soil between the cracks in the pavement and will make ground nests under and near many types of hard material. While they are mostly a nuisance pest, it’s possible for these ants to carry bacteria from various surfaces.
If you find any of these pests, please give us at Baine Termite and Pest Control a call at 803-550-1922 to schedule an appointment with one of our experts!
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